I love all my children so much...they all are my favourite people...but there is something different about my youngest, Freya...it’s an extra chromosome. A chromosome that makes her try extra hard at everything, that gets her through extra tough times, that spreads extra magic wherever she goes...an extra chromosome that makes us Extra proud.

At 13 weeks Freya was in Great Ormond street hospital, she needed major heart surgery...we as a family watched her get very sick...but then fight...This tiny little baby with the heart the size of a small plum was taken from us sick...and given back to us 8 hours later with a strong and mended heart, a scar down her chest, as evidence of the frightening times...but a smile that's evidence that her life is SO worth living.

It's that spirit we still see in her today, 6 years on. Exploring, being bossy, laughing, and playing with her best friend...her kitten Muffin and her sisters and brother.

That spirit that smiles at a ladybird on a leaf and spends ages just watching it...sharing it with us, excited to watch it fly off in a second. A spirit that is so caring of others that she will do anything to turn someone's frown into a smile. A spirit that we all are relearning from...relearning that if we all rush through life always looking for our next appointment, next holiday, next adrenaline rush...we miss today.

We miss the here and now.

We miss the ladybirds, the puddles we can splash in, the daisy we can pick, the make believe tea party, the swing where we can hover for a moment and play on...the celebration of an achievement that's been so hard to work for.

We are all learning ... with Freya in our lives we are learning about Down syndrome, the ups, the downs, the friendships made by having her in our family.... but mainly we are learning to share the spirit and love she seems to have endless amounts of....

and we relive our childhood through her eyes.

Simple Joy ... Our Freya x